Bus Phone : (+64) 275546622
E: info@milcrestestate.co.nz
Terry Milton
(+64) 275546622
Terry Milton: (+64) 275546622
Gary Hislop: (TheWineGuy) (+64) 21792366 Sales - Auckland and CBD
E: gary@thewineguy.co.nz. gary@thewinehub.co.nz
Leigh Dryden: (Decante This) (+61) 487774841
E: leigh@decantethis.com
NZK Export Limited
Mabel: +64 21 130 6390
E: nzkexport@gmail.com
Summer Hours:
Mon - Sun: 9am - 11pm
Winter Hours:
Mon-Fri: 11am-11pm
Saturday: 10am-11pm
Sunday: 10:30am - 11pm
Please leave us a message on the form below or call us on PHONE NUMBER. We look forward to hearing from you.